A unique way to commemorate the major events of World War II, this 8-piece coin collection features currency circulated in numerous European nations during the most influential moments of combat. From the German occupation of Czechoslovakia in March of 1939 through D-Day, this diverse set is a must-own for coin collectors and history buffs alike, and arrives in a handsome leatherette folder with a certificate of authenticity.
Included Coins:
-Germany, 2 reichsmarks
-Poland, 50 groshen
-Belgium, 25 centimes
-Vichy France, 1 franc
-Yugoslavia, 1 dinar
-Serbia, 1 dinar
-Italy, 1 lira
-Canada, "V" nickel
Included Coins:
-Germany, 2 reichsmarks
-Poland, 50 groshen
-Belgium, 25 centimes
-Vichy France, 1 franc
-Yugoslavia, 1 dinar
-Serbia, 1 dinar
-Italy, 1 lira
-Canada, "V" nickel