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The Japanese Cruiser Maya: Super Drawings in 3D

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Military Conflict:
World War II

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Cestra. Following the defeat in the Guadalcanal campaign, the Navy Technical Department and The High Command of the Imperial Japanese Navy strived to increase the defensive potential of all their warships. Apart from standard refits of the majority of the Imperial Japanese Navy units, a plan was adopted which called for reconstruction of two Takao class heavy cruisers into anti-aircraft units. Through a coincidence only the Maya underwent such conversion. With various close-up views, and each 3D image based on actual technical scale drawings and photographs, this is an exceptional reference tool. Information on the design, development, and combat history of this vessel is also included, as well as numerous photographs and 1/350 scale drawings. Excellent resource for modelers! 80 pages, 152 images, 8¼"x 11½", softcover.