- 105 minutes
- Includes 4 different short films
During WWII Women played a major part in the war effort. One important story was how women pilots were used to ferry aircraft so the men could concentrate on combat flying. From civilian women pilots (WAFs) to actually serving in the army known as the WASPs. 1st Film: "AAF WASPs". A short Air Force film looking back on the historical story of the WASPs (7 minutes). 2nd Film: " Lady's Courageous, Part 1". This a great WAFs story feature film on the development and the use of civilian women being used to Ferry aircraft from the factories around America during the early days of WW2 (42 minutes). 3rd Film: " Lady's Courageous, Part 2". This film continues the story and includes the forming of the WASPs (45 minutes). 4th Film; "Air Force Women Pilots" (10 minutes).